About Castle Rock Artist Alliance


The specific purpose of CRAA is to:

Serve the community:

CRAA will provide experiences that are recognized for their value, complemented by a diversity of cultural activities and opportunities for learning; an actively involved membership; its own active involvement in the community; a skilled and creative staff complement; effective governance by a dedicated and competent Board of Directors; and a mix of public and self-generated funding. Education for the community will be an important component of the organization.

CRAA will serve the community as a business organization that works with other businesses to support the growth and economic development in the Castle Rock area. CRAA will reach out, educate, and involve the community of Castle Rock about the importance of creativity, and how involvement in the arts increases community cohesion.

Serve local artists:

CRAA will provide an organization for area artists that will increase knowledge, understanding, and appreciation for all art genre and mediums by providing regular meetings, informative programs, exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops, and opportunities for exposure.

CRAA will provide members with educational activities, mentorship, support and/or encouragement in their development as both artists and business people.

CRAA will educate artists on pertinent issues related to art, such as marketing, ethics, jurying/judging, legal and tax issues, collaboration and mentoring, display, and relationship- building.

Vision Statement:

Castle Rock Artist Alliance is a professional, respected, and premier Front Range art association who embraces:






CRAA Is Committed to Helping Veterans and First Responders.

Our Veterans and First Responders Art Therapy Program is a joint program between the Castle Rock Artist Alliance (CRAA) and the Douglas County Veterans Monument Foundation (DCVMF) — both Colorado-based 501(c)(3)’s — to assist local Veterans and First Responders who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress. The program is designed to use the healing qualities of art to help Veterans and First responders battling PTSD.

We Value Local Support from Individuals and Businesses.

“Advocates For The Arts” was created as appreciation for those individuals, families, or business who support the efforts of CRAA through contributions for our programs such as the Veterans and First Responders Art Therapy program, community art shows, murals with business partners in Castle Rock, and educational opportunities within the community.


Castle Rock Artist Alliance promotes artists and the arts for the community